Monday, August 29, 2011

Parker Liautaud: North Pole & Climate Change Pioneer

Parker Liautaud
In some ways Parker Liautaud seems like a typical teen. He is on Twitter and Foursquare. Lately he has been busy thinking about where to go to college. Don’t be fooled. There is nothing typical about Parker.

At 17, he has already walked to the North Pole. Twice. (At 15, he became the first person to “check in” to the North Pole on Foursquare.) And that is not all. He’s also a motivational speaker and an environmental campaigner. (You can read more about his campaign at The Last Degree).

This week, Parker, who was born in California and now lives in London, will be returning to One Young World, the global forum for young leaders. Here, he talks about the Arctic, older folks, and the real meaning of his expeditions.

The Center wishes Parker well on his exploits.

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