Wednesday, August 17, 2011

EPA Recordation of Transport Rule (TR) Allowance Allocations and Removal of CAIR Allowances‏


Janice Wagner, Chief

Market Operations Branch
Clean Air Markets Division

Dear Acid Rain and CAIR Designated Representatives and Authorized Account Representatives:

The Cross State Air Pollution Rule was signed by the Administrator on July 6, 2011 and will be published in the Federal Register on August 8, 2011. The rule requires that EPA remove CAIR allowances of vintage
years 2012 and later from all accounts in EPA’s Allowance Management System (AMS) no later than 90 days after the rule is published, which is November 7, 2011.

Consistent with the regulatory deadline, EPA will remove CAIR allowances of vintage years 2012 and greater from all AMS accounts on Friday, October 14, 2011. Within 2 or 3 days before this date, EPA will send an email to the designated representatives and authorized account representatives of accounts that include these CAIR allowances and remind these representatives of the scheduled removal of these CAIR

After removal of the vintage year 2012 and greater CAIR allowances, on Monday, October 17, 2011, EPA will begin recording vintage year 2012 TR allowance allocations in compliance accounts of units as addressed in the notice of data availability (NODA) published in the Federal Register on July 18, 2011. You can view the unit-level TR allowance allocations, and the data upon which those allocations are based .

On Monday, October 24, 2011, EPA will begin recording vintage year 2013 TR allowance allocations in compliance accounts for units in those states that have not notified EPA of an intent to submit, by April 1,
2012, allocations of vintage year 2013 TR allowances to existing units based on a state allocation methodology.

No TR allocations will be recorded for any source whose designated representative has not associated himself or herself, for the source, with the appropriate TR trading programs. EPA will send a followup
email within the next 2 weeks explaining how and when a designated representative can complete that task.

If you have any questions about these activities, please contact any of the following persons:

Robert Miller at 202-343-9077 or
Kenon Smith at 202-343-9164 or
Paula Branch at 202-343-9168 or

The Center is registered in the Acid Rain Program.

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