Wednesday, August 24, 2011

10 Places to Safely Donate an Old Cell Phone

Recycling and donating unwanted cell phones and accessories is a great way to both help needy charities and keep unwanted electronics from overloading existing dump sights. For example, back in 2007, more than 140 million phones were “retired”, but only 10% of those phones were ever recycled. Even broken phones can often still be used to dial 911 in an emergency, which can be a valuable tool for many senior citizens. Below is a list of some of the places people can contact to make a donation.

1. NCADV – The National Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NCADV) partners with ReCellular, Inc. to collect used cell phones, and a portion of resale monies are channeled to the NCADV. An online donation form is available through the NCADV website.

2. Earthworks – Environmental concerns are the major issue with Earthworks, and donated phones are recycled rather than slated for landfills. Tel. 202-887-1872

3. Cell Phones for Soldiers – A non-profit group with an ambitious goal of providing 750,000 phones to American service personnel; donations can be made through various outlets, including Bass Pro Restaurants and Little Caesars Pizza Restaurants.

4. ASPCA – Our furry and winged friends will greatly benefit from cell phone donations; simply contact your nearest agency to find out where you can drop off your used phones.

5. Call to Protect – Working through the Wireless Foundation, Call to Protect focuses on survivors of domestic violence, and donated and recycled phones have become a major source of funding. Call 1-888-901-SAFE to find out how to make your donation.

6. The 911 CellPhone Bank – A clearinghouse for donated and recycled phones, non-profit organizations can sign up to receive these items. Tel. 1-866-290-7864

7. Secure the Call Foundation – This non-profit is dedicated to providing free 911 capable phones to various groups, including senior citizens and domestic violence survivors, and can be contacted by calling 1-88-DONATE.

8. – will get you to this site, and from there you can choose from many organizations on their menu who would be happy to accept donations.

9. American Cell Phone Drive – When people give to this organization they can help needy folks both in the U.S. and abroad. To contact them simply visit and they will assist you.

10. State & Local – There are many municipal and state agencies that have recycling programs, and a good place to start is to contact your nearest recycling organization.

Remember, one person’s old Blackberry could be another person’s lifesaver, and every phone donated or recycled is one less bit of garbage plugging up a landfill with toxic waste. (Phone Service)

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