Tuesday, June 07, 2011

Center President Greets German Chancellor at The White House


By Norris McDonald

I attended the welcoming ceremony for German Chancellor Angela Merkel at The White House today.  The ceremony was held on the South Lawn and about 3,000 were there.  The line to get in stretched all the way around the Treasury Department building back around 15th Street to The White House on Pennsylvania Avenue.  It was a beautiful morning.  The weather was perfect. 

Norris McDonald on South Lawn of The White House

After President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama were announced, there was a 19 gun salute.  The national anthems of the United States and the Federal Republic of Germany were played by a military band.  There was a review of the troops by President Obama and Chancellor Merkel and then they greeted individuals in the crowd.  After remarks by  Obama and Merkel, military units marched out and then the crowd exited.

It was a wonderful ceremony on a very beautiful day.  Special thanks to EPA for the invitation.

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