Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Oversight and Government Reform Committee Hearing on Jobs

Hearing on the Effects of Environmental Regulations and Jobs

The Full Committee held a hearing today to address environmental regulations versus jobs.  EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson, left, and Deputy Secretary of the Interior David Hayes, right, testified. Chairman Issa was very aggressive in challenging the panelists on his perception that environmental regulations are killing jobs.  Members questioned the panelists about issues from hydraulic fracturing to mountaintop removal to refineries to cooling water intake structures to global warming.  In each instance, congressional members suggested that regulations in these areas were killing jobs.

As usual, Administrator Jackson defended the mission of the agency while showing that regulations are not hindering the creation of jobs.  In many of the issue areas, EPA appears to have studies or delays instead of actual hindrances of energy development.

Deputy Secretary Hayes confirmed that the Interior Department was complying with Continuing Resolution restrictions on establishing more wildlife areas.  Members challenged Hayes about accenting renewable resources over traditional fossil resources.  Hayes acknowledged that the agency was proud of its record in developing fossil fuel resources.

The report released today by Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell Issa highlights evidence that the statements by President Obama and Energy Secretary Chu about intentionally raising energy costs for Americans can be seen across the federal government: from blocking production in the Gulf of Mexico, to hindering “fracking” technology, and stifling oil and gas production on public lands.  The 42 page report, “Rising Energy Costs: The Intentional Result of Government Action” identifies numerous Administration efforts to suppress domestic oil and gas production that lead to higher costs while helping the Administration promote expensive alternative sources of energy.

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