Saturday, May 14, 2011

Donald Trump on Energy & Environment

Update: 5-16-2011 He announced that he is not running.  Dang.  There goes the big fun.

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Donald Trump says he would take over the Iraq oil fields in order to reduce gasoline prices.  Trump also says he would prevent OPEC from dominating oil prices.

According to the New York Post, Trump said to the 500 members of the Trump National Golf Club in Westchester:

"With the coldest winter ever recorded, with snow setting record levels up and down the coast, the Nobel committee should take the Nobel Prize back from Al Gore.  Gore wants us to clean up our factories and plants in order to protect us from global warming, when China and other countries couldn't care less. It would make us totally noncompetitive in the manufacturing world, and China, Japan and India are laughing at America's stupidity."
"On The Issues" quotes Donald:
"I think it's incredible that we're going slow on drilling. I think it's beyond anything I've ever seen that we're going slow on drilling. There are always going to be problems. You're going to have an oil spill. You clean it up and you fix it up and it'll be fine.

I have people in the business and they say it's almost impossible to get a permit to drill. So you can imagine how hard it is to get nuclear and other things but they say it's almost impossible. If you look at natural gas, we're the Saudi Arabia times 100 of natural gas--but we don't use it."
Donald Trump built a 'green' resort in Puerto Rico.   The project ,Trump International Golf Club & Residences, Puerto Rico (TIPR), has already established itself as one the top golf courses and residential resorts in the Caribbean, the property’s focus has been on a different kind of “green” of late - that of eco-friendly development.

Donald J. Trump states,
“Today, our goal as one of the largest real estate companies in the world is to be conscious of the impact development has on the environment and to proceed accordingly; and we’re very proud that our property in Puerto Rico is taking this initiative so seriously.”
Donald Trump has endorsed Ambit EnergyAmbit Energy is a  retail energy company that manages all aspects of the customer's utility transactions, from transmission providers to Web-based account management tools, to billing and collections.  (ABC News, 4/18/2011, Ecopolitology, 2/15/2011, On The Issues, AAEA Hollywood, 7/13/2010, HubPages,

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