Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant Relicensed by NRC

The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) on Tuesday extended a 20-year license to Entergy's Vermont nuclear power plant. The Center supports the relicense.

Some are a bit disturbed that the relicense was approved while the Fukushima disaster is still in progress.  Yet one has nothing to do with the other.  Vermont Yankee sits on the Connecticut River and is not threatened by a tsunami.  Moreover, the 650 megawatt facility employs 650 people.  Vermont Yankee is the largest producer of electricity in Vermont, providing reliable base load generation. In fact, it represents 80% of Vermont's in-state generation and supplies approximately one-third of the state's electricity demand.

Vermont Yankee was slated for closure in 2012 without the new license. Vermont lawmakers may still look to block the extension.  {Vermont Yankee Nuclear Station - NRC Relicense Application}

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