Wednesday, March 02, 2011

New Senior Adviser on the Chesapeake Bay

Jeff Corbin, left, is the new senior adviser on the EPA’s effort to restore and preserve the Chesapeake Bay. Jeff currently serves as senior adviser to Region 3 Administrator Shawn Garvin, with whom he works closely on issues involving the bay. In his new position, Jeff will help coordinate all aspects of our strategic Chesapeake Bay initiative and will serve as the chief liaison among the Office of the Administrator; federal, state and local government partners; community and nonprofit stakeholders; and our colleagues throughout the EPA.

Before joining Region 3 in January 2010, Jeff was appointed assistant secretary of natural resources for the Commonwealth of Virginia by then-Governor Tim Kaine. Earlier, he spent almost a decade with the Chesapeake Bay Foundation, ultimately serving as its Virginia deputy director and senior scientist. Jeff also worked as an environmental geologist and water quality specialist for the Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission during the early 1990s. He began his career as an environmental chemist with the Science Applications International Corporation. He has a master’s degree in oceanography from the University of Rhode Island and a bachelor’s degree in marine science from the University of South Carolina.

Jeff is a Coast Guard-licensed small vessel captain and a certified scuba diver with 30 years of experience. (EPA)

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