Monday, March 21, 2011

EPA Administrator to Travel to California

For Meetings with Agriculture, Business Leaders

Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Lisa P. Jackson, left, will make a long-planned visit to California this week, where she will meet with state and local agriculture and business leaders. Having just returned from Brazil, where she traveled with President Obama and other members of the president’s Cabinet, Administrator Jackson’s two-and-half-day California trip will include stops in Los Angeles and Fresno.

In Los Angeles, Jackson will hold a roundtable discussion with LA business leaders from the energy sector and the African-American community and will be joined by Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa and U.S. Congresswoman Karen Bass to visit one of Los Angeles’ top performing schools, which serves predominantly minority and low-income students. Administrator Jackson will also spend a full day in Fresno, where she will visit farms, meet with agricultural leaders, hold discussions with Fresno Mayor Ashley Swearengin and meet with local environmental justice activists.  (EPA)

2:45 p.m. Tour of Stella Middle Charter Academy
2636 South Mansfield Ave.
Los Angeles, Calif.

9:45 a.m. Visit to Terranova Ranch
16729 W. Floral Ave
Helm, Calif.

11:00 a.m. Meeting with growers at J and L Vineyards
7455 W. Lincoln, Ave.

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