Thursday, March 31, 2011

Advocacy for Jobs Affected by Regulation (AJAR) Project

Center Initiates Unit To Examine Jobs & Regulations

Cheryl Bly-Chester
Cheryl Bly-Chester has been named as the Center's new California Representative and Director of the Advocacy for Jobs Affected by Regulation (AJAR) project. AJAR is the Center's public education project for government accountability and due process. The mission of AJAR is to educate the public and elected representatives on the direct and indirect effect of legislative and regulatory actions on job security; advocating for economic growth by promoting accountability, transparency, and due process in governmental proceedings and by participating in public policy design of the regulatory board system.

Cheryl Bly-Chester has been involved with past Center projects and co-authored a newsletter on environmental policy issues for one of the Center's affiliated associations. She has recently completed her doctoral dissertation studying the California regulatory board system and is eager to apply what she has learned.

Dr. Bly-Chester is a Licensed Professional Engineer with an MBA in International Management specializing in global resources. She has been involved in permitting alternative energy plants in California, holds a Nuclear Reactor Safety Certificate from MIT earned during the Chernobyl Era, and is the owner of Rosewood Environmental Engineering located in the Sacramento Area of California.

Cheryl Bly-Chester, Director
Advocacy for Jobs Affected by Regulation (AJAR)
Center for the Environment, Commerce, and Energy
1079 Sunrise Boulevard, Suite B-168
Roseville, California 95661

(916) 721-8557
(916) 721-8339 (fax)
(916) 747-2293 (cell)

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