Saturday, February 26, 2011

Take Down Scaffolding at Old Executive Office Building

The scaffolding at the White House Old Executive Office Building (OEOB) has been up for a decade.  After 911, when some staff were moved for fear of another attack, it was implied that the scaffolding somehow offered another layer of protection.  But everytime we pass by the OEOB on 17th Street on the way to our K Street Office, we are reminded of how long that scaffolding has been there.  It is time for it to come down.  It is very ugly and completely ruins the artistry of the vintage structure.

The Eisenhower Executive Office Building is located next to the West Wing and houses a majority of offices for White House staff. In many instances, when people say they are 'going to the White House," they are going to the Old Executive Office Building. We guess the 'Old' was added after the New Executive Office Building [less prestigious] was built across Pennsylvania Avenue.  Note the photo at right has no scaffolding because it is pre-911.  In fact, you can still see cars on Pennsylvania Avenue before that boulevard was closed to regular traffic.  Originally built for the State, War and Navy Departments between 1871 and 1888, the EEOB is an impressive building that commands a unique position in both our national history and architectural heritage.

The building is supposedly getting an exterior restoration of the granite, slate and cast iron details. But a decade?  Come on President Obama, take the scaffolding down.  It is an eyesore. (The White House)

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