Monday, February 07, 2011

The Hamptons


By Norris McDonald

I went to The Hamptons this past weekend and had a chance to walk on the beach and think.  It was Egypt Beach and I saw a one legged seagull.  And it didn't have one leg stuck up into its body either because I can tell the difference.  It was hopping with one leg and you could only see only leg when it started flying.  The Atlantic Ocean was magnificent, as usual.  It was warm even though much of The Hamptons was still covered in a lot of snow.  The mega mansions along Egypt Beach were impressive.  Thus, the thrust of my thoughts.

I could not help but feel that I would like to have one of those mansions overlooking the Atlantic Ocean.  It made me think about the type of environmentalist I would like to be.  My conclusion was that I would like to be an environmentalist in the tradition of Al Gore, Robert Kennedy, Jr. and Barbara Streisand - - super rich and pro-environment.  Seriously, I could have more freedom to do what I do and to apply practical solutions to environmental problems.  But I would not oppose wind farms off the Atlantic coast.  I would have a 65 foot house boat like the one Al Gore has.  I would also have two jet skis on it.  Just like Gore.  Just as we can have economic growth with environmental protection, so too can I be very very rich and promote environmental protection.

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