Monday, January 24, 2011

Helix Inks Agreements For Deepwater Gulf Containment System

Helix Producer I
 Helix Energy Solutions Group has executed agreements for its Helix Fast Response System (HFRS) as a spill response resource for the U.S. Gulf of Mexico (GOM). HFRS will be a key part of response plans submitted by oil and gas producers with state and federal authorities. The HFRS centers on two vessels, the Helix Producer I and the Q4000, both of which played a key role in the BP Macondo spill response and are presently operating in the GOM. Helix signed an agreement with Clean Gulf Associates (CGA), a non-profit industry group, making the HFRS available for a two-year term to CGA participants in the event of a GOM well blow out incident in exchange for a retainer fee.


Evergreen Burner
In addition to the agreement with CGA, Helix also has signed separate utilization agreements with 19 CGA participant member companies to date specifying the day rates to be charged should the solution be deployed. The system has been endorsed by the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation and Enforcement (BOEMRE) Director Michael Bromwich. The industry firmly believes that this proven, industry-led solution is critical to establishing confidence in the industry’s ability to respond to potential blow out incidents in the region. Helix is an international offshore energy company that provides development solutions and other key life of field services to the energy market as well as to our own oil and gas business unit. They provided on-site engineering and were key to containing the BP spill last summer. (Frank Maisano)

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