Friday, January 21, 2011

Center Establishes Green Electric


The Center has established Green Electric (GE) to produce electricity.  The Center's first project will be a biomass electricity plant in Mississsippi that converts woodchips into methane (natural gas) that is burned in a massive turbine to produce electricity.  Several scoping visits led to locating a site for the biomass plant, which is near an electricity substation in Port Gibson, Mississippi.  Green Electric is currently negotiating a lease for land to construct the power plant. GE intends to initiate a feasibility study with the local utility in the second quarter of 2011.  Once the feasibility study is completed, GE will negotiate interconnection and power purchase agreements with Entergy and will begin construction of the plant.

Green Electric envisions a ten megawatt, wood chip/sawdust syngas turbine power plant that will operate as a base load unit. We expect a capacity factor of above 70-80 percent. It is anticipated that the plant will consume approximately ten tons of wood chips per hour. GE expects the plant construction and engineering services costs to be approximately $15 million. The plant will need a Clean Air Act permit and a Clean Water Act permit.  GE has a Letter Of Intent from the City of Port Gibson and approval from the Claiborne County Board of Supervisers to proceed with development of the project.  AREVA has agreed to serve as construction manager for the project.


Scoping Visit 1

Scoping Visit 2

Scoping Visit 3

Scoping Visit 4

Catalina Island

Scoping Visit 1

Scoping Visit 2: Agency Outreach


Kogelo, Kenya

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