Monday, December 20, 2010

EPA Delivers 15 Years of Acid Rain Reductions

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released a report that shows 15 years of successful results from its nationwide effort to address acid rain. Since its inception in 1995 as part of the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990, EPA’s Acid Rain Program has earnedwidespread acclaim due to dramatic sulfur dioxide (SO2) and nitrogenoxides (NOX) emission reductions that are saving American lives andecosystems. An analysis estimates annual public health benefits of the program in 2010 alone at more than $120 billion, about 40 times the estimated cost.

The Center is registered in EPA's Acid Rain Program (since 2003)

Some of the major accomplishments of the program through 2009 include:
· Power plants have decreased emissions of SO2, aprecursor to acid rain, to 5.7 million tons in 2009, a 67 percent decrease from 1980 levels and a 64 percent decrease from 1990levels.

· Air quality has improved; the average amount of ambientSO2 decreased 76 percent between 1980 and 2009. The largestsingle-year reduction in SO2 since the start of the Acid Rain Program occurred between 2008 and 2009.

· Reductions in fine particle levels yielded benefitsincluding about 20,000-50,000 lives saved annually.

· Many lakes and streams affected by acid rain in the eastare exhibiting signs of recovery.
The Acid Rain Program was established under the 1990 Clean Air ActAmendments and requires significant emission reductions of SO2 andnitrogen oxides (NOx) from the electric power industry. The program sets a permanent cap on the total amount of SO2 that may be emitted by electric generating units in the United States, and includes provisions for trading and banking emission allowances. The program is phased in, with this year phasing in the final 2010 SO2 cap set at 8.95 milliontons, a level of about one-half of the emissions from the power sectorin 1980. More information on the Acid Rain Program (EPA)

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