Thursday, November 25, 2010

Dyson Engineering & Technical Services Provides Outreach

In support of the Center's mission to construct a biomass-to-electricity plant in Port Gibson, Mississippi, Al Dyson, President of Dyson Engineering & Technical Services participated in the "Second Annual Mississippi Renewable Energy Conference: Utilizing Renewable Energy in Mississippi." The single day conference focused on renewable energy sources such as solar, geothermal, hydrogen and biomass and the role they play in the future of our state and nation. The conference was sponsored by the Mississippi Development Authority, which houses the state energy department. As a leader in economic development and local deployment agent for the U.S. Department of Energy, the Mississippi Development Authority is responsible for providing learning opportunities that teach the application and benefits of these energy sources.

Al Dyson at Substation in Port Gibson, Mississippi
The agenda included presentations on: The Brownfields Program, Geothermal Energy, Landfill Gas Projects, Financing Renewable Energy Projects: From Residential To Business Sector, Biomass, Solar Energy and Incentives, Wood Pellets, ARRA Project Highlight, Renewable Energy Projects in Mississippi.  Dr. Betty Norman, Bureau Manager of the MDA Energy Division, gave the closing remarks. Numerous attendees participated in the November 18, 2010 conference, which was coordinated by Terrence Spears.  Center representatives met with Mr. Spears to get a briefing on state energy programs on October 22, 2010. Dyson Engineering and Technical Services is providing engineering services for our Green Port Gibson Project (Green Electric plant biomass-to-electricity).

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