Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Agenda at the UN COP 16 on Tuesday November 30

United Nations Conference on Climate Change in Cancun, Mexico

COP 101 - The International Chamber of Commerce will hold its traditional introduction to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) process to participants from business and NGOs. 

Presentation of EU report on fast-start financing: The EU and its Member States will present a report on progress in implementing their fast-start financing commitment for 2010, following a preliminary state of play given in June.
Patents, technological knowledge and access to climate change mitigation technologies: The panel will discuss how practical tools derived from a study by UNEP, EPO and ICTSD can contribute to a better understanding of IPR options in the UNFCCC negotiations.
Climate finance portal - Update on the progress of the finance portal for climate change being developed by the UNFCCC secretariat. The event will also serve as the formal launch of the climate finance options platform, which is being developed by UNDP and the World Bank Group. Venue: Pitaya
Aviation bunker fuels - At this side event, the aviation sector will be seeking a dialogue with governments and other interested stakeholders on how to address aviation bunker fuel emissions and on ways to present effective solutions for consideration at COP 16. Venue: Cacao (Cancunmesse Hall D).

More information on all events can be found in the Daily Programme and on the CCTV screens at the venue

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