Friday, August 20, 2010

NRC Early Site Permit Processs Discussion

Summary of July 15, 2010 Public Meeting to Discuss Effective Multi-Agency Pre-Application Interactions During the Early Site Permit Process

The purpose of the Early Site Permit for nuclear power plants is to resolve isues with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) before construction.

Under Section 309 of the Clean Air Act, EPA review and rates all EISs. EPA has regulatory authority under several statutes including the Clean Air Act, Clean Water Act and Safe Drinking Water Acts. EPA has delegated authority to various states under the Clean Air and Clean Water Acts. EPA has an oversight role and veto authority under the Clean Water Act of the Section 404 permits that are issued by the Corps of Engineers.

The Corps of Engineers, per the Memorandum of Understanding with the NRC, is a cooperating agency with the NRC on its EISs for new reactors. The Corps is responsible for issuing Section 404 Clean Water Act permits for disturbing wetlands areas and Section 10 River and Harbors Act permit for impacts to navigable waters.

The nuclear industry wants to improve the efficiency of the environmental review process. The industry would like the Federal and State agencies to use the ESP environmental review to the maximum extent possible in their review at the combined operating license (COL) stage.

NRC Contact: Jack Cushing 301-415-1424

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