Tuesday, July 27, 2010

GridWise Alliance Promotes Electric Vehicles Re Reid Bill

Statement of Katherine Hamilton, President, GridWise Alliance on Introduction of Senator Reid’s Draft Energy Bill‏

"The GridWise Alliance is pleased that Senator Reid has included the Promoting Electric Vehicles Act of 2010 in his draft energy bill announced today. This title establishes a national plan for the deployment of electric vehicles that includes training, technical assistance, and R&D programs for electric vehicles. The smart grid is key to the integration of electric vehicles into a balanced and reliable electric grid.

This bill would allow for consideration of smart grid as part of this electric vehicle infrastructure. Electric utilities and independent system operators are now considering how electric vehicles will impact the grid as they plan for future demand; this provision will provide support for that process by ensuring that smart grid technologies are integrated. Electric vehicles enabled by smart grid will be one way that this nation can reduce dependence on oil for transportation while creating new green manufacturing jobs."
Katherine Hamilton, President, GridWise Alliance
Twitter: @GridWiseAll

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