Tuesday, July 06, 2010

China To Host Climate Talks Before Mexico Meeting

China will host an extra round of international negotiations in October to foster an agreement over a new climate treaty. The extra round of negotiations would take place in the north Chinese port city of Tianjin, which is close to Beijing.

China will introduce some new ideas and opportunities to move the negotiation forward. Governments are hoping to strike agreement on a new binding climate change treaty after a summit in Copenhagen late last year ended with a non-binding accord. The newly added Tianjin talks will come in the build-up to the next major ministerial meeting in Cancun, Mexico, from Nov. 29-Dec. 10, when climate officials hope to agree on the key elements of a new treaty, if not the details.

Chinese officials and other countries have voiced doubts that Cancun can finish a binding climate treaty. They believe it is more likely to occur during major climate talks in South Africa at the end of 2011. (Reuters, 7/5/2010) (China Blog Version)

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