Monday, June 14, 2010

Remarks By President Obama on 4th Trip to Gulf Area

Remarks After Touring Theodore Staging Facility, Theodore, Alabama: June 14


"Now, what I've heard from a number of local officials during my trip today is what I’ve heard from folks on each of the four visits that I’ve made to this region since the Deepwater Horizon explosion happened in April. There’s a sense that this disaster is not only threatening our fishermen and our shrimpers and our oystermen, not only affecting potentially precious marshes and wetlands and estuaries and waters that are part of what makes the Gulf Coast so special -- there’s also a fear that it can have a long-term impact on a way of life that has been passed on for generations."
Remarks After a Roundtable Meeting with Local Residents in Gulfport, Mississippi: June 14

Chimney’s Restaurant
Gulfport, Mississippi


"So we are going to be working with business owners like this, with governors and mayors to make sure that they are made whole as a consequence of this crisis. But we also want to make sure that we are in this for the long haul. And the full effects of this may not be known immediately. They may not be known three months from now and may not be fully known for another six months or a year. We just want to make sure we got structure in place so that people like Missy and George are adequately dealt with."
Remarks at a Gulf Coast Briefing in Gulfport, Mississippi
Coast Guard Station Gulfport


"We also talked about claims to make sure that people here in Mississippi, but throughout the region, are going to be adequately compensated for the damages and the losses that they are experiencing right now. There are still problems with them...The last point I’m going to make, and this is something that’s been repeatedly emphasized, here in Mississippi -- but it’s true in Florida, it’s true in Alabama and it’s true in portions of Louisiana -- there’s still a lot of opportunity for visitors to come down here, a lot of beaches that are not yet affected or will not be affected."
The White House

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