Monday, May 03, 2010

TYPES OF CLAIMS: Damage Claims Format to BP

Claim Type
Who Can Submit

Natural ResourceDamages (NRD)
Costs for: Assessingan area's natural resource damages, Restoringthe natural resources, and Compensatingthe public for the lost use of the affected resources. Only specially designated natural resource trustees

Removal Costs
Costs to prevent, minimize, mitigate, or clean up an oilspill. (The costs of cleaning up your own property fall underthe category of property damage, not removal costs.) Clean-up contractors, called Oil Spill Recovery Organizations (OSROs) Federal, State, and local government entities The responsible party Anyone who helped clean up the spill.

Property Damage
Injury to or economic loss resulting from destruction ofreal property (land or buildings) or other personal property. Does not include personal injury! People or entities who own or lease the damaged property

Boat Damage
Injury to or economic loss resulting from damage to aboat (a subset of property damage). People or entities who own or lease the damaged boat

Loss of Profits & Earning Capacity
Damages equal to the loss of profits or impairment ofearning capacity due to the injury, destruction, or loss of property ornatural resources. Anyone with loss of profits or income (You do not haveto own the damaged property or resources to submit a claim under thiscategory.)

Loss of Subsistence Use of Natural Resources
Loss of subsistence use claim if natural resources youdepend on for subsistence use purposes have been injured, destroyed, orlost by an oil spill incident. Anyone who, for subsistence use, depends on naturalresources that have been injured, destroyed, or lost (You do not haveto own or manage the natural resource to submit a claim under thiscategory.)

Loss of Government Revenue
Net loss of taxes, royalties, rents, fees, or net profitshares due to the injury, destruction, or loss of real property, personal property, or natural resources. Federal agencies .StatesLocal governments.

Increased Public Services
Net costs of providing increased or additional publicservices during or after removal activities, including protection fromfire, safety, or health hazards, caused by a discharge of oil ordirectly attributable to response to the oil spill incident.

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