Monday, May 10, 2010

EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson Returns to Gulf Region

To meet officials, scientists and other local experts on BP oil spill’s potential impact

Jackson at Greater Little Zion Baptist Church in New Orleans on first trip after spill
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Lisa P. Jackson is making another visit to the gulf region today and tomorrow to oversee efforts to mitigate the environmental and human health impacts of the ongoing BP oil spill. The administrator will receive a briefing from Louisiana State University scientists in Baton Rouge, a briefing with Federal agency scientists in Robert and briefings in New Orleans from local university scientists, Tulane University scientists and local community organizations. The administrator is seeking a thorough scientific assessment of the spill’s impact on the region’s residents and environment.

The administrator will meet with EPA response managers on the scene and review the agency’s on-going air and water monitoring efforts. She will also meet with scientists from inside and outside the federal government – including scientists at local universities and from local organizations – who have unique knowledge of the environmental challenges facing the gulf coast region and to discuss the potential impact of the use of dispersants on the spill on and below the surface of the water.

Administrator Jackson will also meet with BP officials, the Coast Guard and other federal agencies to discuss ongoing efforts to mitigate the impact of the spill.

For more information

Statement from Lisa Jackson's Facebook page today:

"Just left science meeting at LSU. Discussed several issues: dispersants, air/water monitoring and ecological impacts of BP spill. Bottom line: best decisions must be based on sound science and made in transparent way – and must engage local expertise on these critical scientific questions."

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