Thursday, May 13, 2010

Clean Energy Jobs and American Power Act (S.1733)

Comparison of Kerry-Lieberman Bill to House Greenhouse Gas Bill
Although proposed again on May 12, 2010Senator Kerry's Office lists the language below as the current bill.


AS INTRODUCED September 30, 2009

SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE: “Clean Energy Jobs and American Power Act (Section Summary)”.

Subtitle A—Clean Transportation
Section 111. Emission Standards. Amends Title VIII of the Clean Air Act to require EPA to
establish greenhouse gas emission standards for new heavy-duty vehicles and engines, and for
nonroad vehicles and engines.
Section 112. Greenhouse Gas Emission Reductions Through Transportation Efficiency.
Section 113. Transportation Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Program Grants.
Section 114. SmartWay Transportation Efficiency Program.
Subtitle B—Carbon Capture and Sequestration
Section 121. National Strategy.
Section 122. Regulations for Geological Sequestration Sites.
Section 123. Studies and Reports.
Section 124. Performance Standards for Coal-fueled Power Plants.
Section 125. Carbon Capture and Sequestration Demonstration and Early Deployment Program.
Subtitle C—Nuclear and Advanced Technologies
Section 131. Findings and Policy.
Section 132. Nuclear Worker Training.
Section 133. Nuclear Safety and Waste Management Programs.
Subtitle D—Water Efficiency
Section 141. WaterSense. (under the Energy Star program).
Section 142. Federal Procurement of Water-efficient Products.
Section 143. State Residential Water Efficiency and Conservation Incentives Program.
Section 151. Office of Consumer Advocacy.
Section 152. Clean Technology Business Competition Grant Program.
Section 153. Product Carbon Disclosure Program.
Section 154. State Recycling Programs.
Section 155. Supplemental Agriculture and Forestry GHG Reduction and Renewable Energy
Section 156. Economic Development Climate Change Fund.
Section 157. Study of Risk-based Programs Addressing Vulnerable Areas.
Subtitle F—Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy
Section 161. Renewable Energy.
Section 162. Advanced Biofuels.
Section 163. Energy Efficiency in Building Codes.
Section 164. Retrofit for Energy and Environmental Performance.
Subtitle G—Emission Reductions From Public Transportation Vehicles
Sections 171-173. Amends the Clean Air Act to allow State and local governments to set fuel
efficiency standards for emissions from taxi cabs at least as stringent as applicable Federal
Subtitle H—Clean Energy and Natural Gas
Section 181. Clean Energy and Accelerated Emission Reduction Program.
Section 182. Advanced Natural Gas Technologies. Authorizes
Subtitle A—Energy Research
Section 201. Advanced Energy Research. Subtitle B—Drinking Water Adaptation, Technology, Education, and Research
Section 211. Effects of Climate Change on Drinking Water Utilities.
Subtitle A—Green Jobs and Worker Transition
Section 301. Clean Energy Curriculum Development Grants.
Section 302. Development of Information and Resources Clearinghouse for Vocational Education and Job Training in Renewable Energy Sectors.
Section 303. Green Construction Careers Demonstration Project.
Part 2—Climate Change Worker Adjustment Assistance
Sections 311- 313. Establishes a program pursuant to which any worker displaced as a result of
Title VII of the Clean Air Act would be entitled to 156 weeks of income supplement.
Subtitle B—International Climate Change Programs
Section 321. Strategic Interagency Board on International Climate Investment.
Section 322. Emission Reductions from Reduced Deforestation.
Part E—Supplemental Emission Reductions
Sections 751-752. Definitions and Purposes. Defines forest carbon activities.
Section 753. Emission Reductions from Reduced Deforestation.
Section 323. International Clean Energy Deployment Program.
Section 324. International Climate Change Adaptation and Global Security Program.
Section 325. Evaluation and Reports.
Section 326. Report on Climate Action of Major Economies.
Subtitle C—Adapting to Climate Change
PART 1—Domestic Adaptation
Subpart A—National Climate Change Adaptation Program
Sections 341-342. National Climate Change Adaptation Program and Services.
Subpart B—Public Health and Climate Change
Sections 351 – 356. Public Health Adaptation Policy, Action Plans and Advisory Board.
Subpart C—Climate Change Safeguards for Natural Resources Conservation
Sections 361-365. Purposes, Policy, Definitions, Adaptation Panel.
Section 366. Natural Resources Climate Change Adaptation Strategy.
Section 367. Natural Resources Adaptation Science and Information.
Section 368. Federal Natural Resource Agency Adaptation Plans.
Section 369. State Natural Resources Adaptation Plans.
Section 370. Natural Resources Climate Change Adaptation Account.
Section 371. National Wildlife Habitat and Corridors Information Program.
Section 372. Additional Provisions Regarding Indian Tribes.
Subpart D—Additional Climate Change Adaptation Programs
Section 381. Water System Mitigation and Adaptation Partnerships.
Section 382. Flood Control, Protection, Prevention and Response.
Section 383. Wildfire.
Section 384. Coastal and Great Lakes State Adaptation Program.
Section 701-702. Findings, Economywide Reduction Goals.
Section 703. Reduction Targets for Specified Sources.
Section 704. Supplemental Pollution Reductions. )incentives to reduce emissions from international deforestation).
Section 705. Review and Program Recommendations.
Section 706. National Academy Review.
Section 707. Presidential Response and Recommendations.
Part B—Designation and Registration of Greenhouse Gases
Section 711. Designation of Greenhouse Gases.
Section 712. Carbon Dioxide Equivalent Value of Greenhouse Gases. Lists carbon dioxide equivalents for each gas.
Section 713. Greenhouse Gas Registry.
Section 714. Perfluorocarbon Regulation.
Part C—Program Rules
Section 721. Emission Allowances.
Section 722. Prohibition of Excess Emissions.
Section 723. Penalty for Noncompliance.
Section 724. Trading.
Section 725. Banking and Borrowing.
Section 726. Market Stability Reserve.
Section 727. Permits.
Section 728. International Emission Allowances. Part D – Offsets
Section 731. Offsets Integrity Advisory Board.
Section 732. Establishment of Offsets Program.
Section 733 Eligible Project Types.
Section 734. Requirements for Offset Projects.
Section 735. Approval of Offset Projects.
Section 736. Verification of Offset Projects.
Section 737. Issuance of Offset Credits.
Section 738. Audits.
Section 739. Program Review and Revision.
Section 740. Early Offset Supply.
Section 741. Environmental Considerations.
Section 742. Trading.
Section 743. Office of Offsets Integrity.
Section 744. International Offset Credits.
Subtitle B—Disposition of Allowances
Section 111. Disposition of Allowances for Global Warming Pollution Reduction Program.
Part H—Disposition of Allowances
Section 771. Allocation of Emission Allowances.
Section 772. Electricity Consumers.
Section 773. Natural Gas Consumers.
Section 774. Home Heating Oil and Propane Consumers.
Section 775. Domestic Fuel Production.
Section 776. Consumer Protection.
Section 777. Exchange for State-Issued Allowances.
Section 778. Auction Procedures.
Section 779. Auctioning Allowances for Other Entities.
Section 780. Commercial Deployment of Carbon Capture and Sequestration Technologies.
Section 781. Oversight of Allocations.
Section 782. Early Action Recognition.
Section 783. Establishment of Deficit Reduction Fund.
Subtitle C—Additional Greenhouse Gas Standards
Section 121. Greenhouse Gas Standards.
Section 801. Definitions. Defines terms used in Title VIII.
Part A—Stationary Source Standards
Section 811. Standards of Performance.
Section 122. HFC Regulation.
Section 123. Black Carbon.
Section 124. States.
Section 125. State Programs.
Section 126. Enforcement.
Section 127. Conforming Amendments.
Section 128. Davis-Bacon Compliance.
Subtitle D—Carbon Market Assurance
Sections 131. Carbon Market Assurance.
Subtitle E—Ensuring Real Reductions in Industrial Emissions
Section 141. Ensuring Real Reductions in Industrial Emissions.
Part F—Ensuring Real Reductions in Industrial Emissions
Section 761. Purposes.
Section 762-764. Definitions, Eligible Industrial Sectors, Distribution of Emission Allowance
Section 765. International Trade.
Section 201. Investment in Clean Vehicle Technology.
Section 202. State and Local Investment in Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy.
Section 203. Energy Efficiency in Building Codes.
Section 204. Building Retrofit Program.
Section 205. Energy Innovation Hubs.
Section 206. ARPA-E Research.
Section 208. International Climate Change Adaptation and Global Security.
Section 209. Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Worker Training.
Section 210. Worker Transition.
Section 211. State Programs for Greenhouse Gas Reduction and Climate Adaptation.
Section 212. Climate Change Health Protection and Promotion Fund.
Section 213. Climate Change Safeguards for Natural Resources Conservation.
Section 214. Nuclear Worker Training.
Section 215. Supplemental Agriculture, Renewable Energy, and Forestry.

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