Friday, April 02, 2010

EPA Builds on Partnership with Asian Development Bank

EPA Office of International and Tribal Affairs Assistant Administrator Michelle DePass, left, met with Asian Development Bank Managing Director General Rajat M. Nag, right, this week to sign a new letter of intent between EPA and ADB to work with the ADB to address key international environmental challenges. During the meeting, DePass and Nag discussed ways in which their cooperation could reinforce those Asian countries that are working to strengthen their environmental laws, ministries, and compliance mechanisms. They also explored ways to reduce the emissions of air pollutants and greenhouse gases in the region.

The previous letter of intent was signed in April of 2005, and would have expired this month. The letter of intent will cover cooperation from 2010-2015. It will initially cover air quality, safe drinking water, management of toxic substances, environmental governance, and water resource management. Where EPA and ADB identify joint priorities, the letter of intent will provide a mechanism for ADB to access EPA technical expertise in the design and implementation of key initiatives. Cooperation could include technical assistance, training, and joint project development.

Center Vice President Derry Bigby, left, met with Rajat M. Nag in 2009 in Washington, DC, with ADB Director of Energy Woochong Um, right, and Principal Energy Specialist Jong Inn Kim at the ADB headquarters in Manila, Phillipines in June 2007 to discuss our Green Carbon Bank (GCB) and the utilization of carbon dioxide offsets [see also "Comments on ADB's Energy Strategy" (Version May 2007).

More information on EPA’s cooperation with ADB

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