Friday, March 12, 2010

NGSA Opposes EPA's Proposed GHG Rules

The Natural Gas Supply Association (NGSA) has announced its opposition to the Environmental Protection Agency's planned rules to curb greenhouse-gas emissions, citing concerns that the regulations could make it harder to obtain permits needed to boost supplies. Natural gas suppliers are concerned that the rule would burden many natural gas projects with a time-consuming permitting process that would interfere with bringing more natural gas to market.

The NGSA also supports a "disapproval resolution" sponsored by Senator Lisa Murkowski (R., Alaska) that would overturn the EPA's rules. The resolution will not pass. Another alternative is a measure offered by Senator Jay Rockefeller (D-WVa) to delay the EPA rules for two years. Senator Rockefeller does not support Senator Murkowski's resolution. (WSJ, 3/11/10)

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