Wednesday, March 10, 2010

John Doerr: Proponent of Home Star Program

John Doerr, right, a member of President Obama's Economic Recovery Advisory Board (PERAB), is being credited by "Time" magazine with being the principle conceptualist for the multibillion-dollar residential-energy retrofit Home Star plan. The plan calls for billions of dollars in tax breaks for Americans who buy new windows, insulation or appliances to lower their home energy use. President Obama is calling on Congress to pass a version of the retrofit plan, along with more federal investment for solar panels and wind turbines. On March 2, Obama traveled to Georgia to pitch Home Star, calling it a "commonsense approach that will help jump-start job creation.

John Doerr is described as a 'billionaire' American venture capitalist at Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers (KPCB) in California’s Silicon Valley. Since 1980, Doerr directed venture capital funding to some of the most successful technology companies in the world: Compaq, Netscape, Symantec, Sun Microsystems,,, Intuit, Google, Friendster, and myCFO. Prior to KPCB, Doerr joined Intel Corporation in 1974 just as the firm was developing the 8080 8-bit microprocessor. He eventually became one of Intel's most successful salespeople, and also holds several engineering patents. Doerr currently serves on the boards of public companies Google,, Intuit, Homestore, and Sun, and on the boards of private ventures Zazzle, Good Technology, Miasole, Purkinje, Segway Inc., and Spatial Photonics. (Time, 3/15/10, KPCB)

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