Saturday, February 20, 2010

Yes To Wind Power No To Oil Drilling Off Virginia's Coast

Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell (R) and Virginia's U.S. Senators Jim Webb (D) and Mark Warner (D) are promoting offshore wind development and oil drilling off the coast of the state to Department of Interior Secretary Ken Salazar. Virginia's U.S. House delegation have also written letters in support to the secretary. The Center supports the wind development but opposes the oil drilling. The risks of permanently injuring Virginia's coast and ocean resources simply are not worth any oil that might be discovered and developed off its shores. Although wind power projects are hugely industrial in nature, after construction they would have minimal effects on the ocean and the shore.

Governor McDonnell wants Virginia to be first Atlantic Coast state in the country to engage in exploration and drilling for oil and gas offshore. The Minerals Management Service, part of the Interior Department, included Virginia in its five-year plan and began soliciting companies to drill off the coast in 2011. It is the only state on the East Coast included in the plan. But Secretary Salazar halted the process to review the plan and get input from the public. (WashPost, 2/19/10)

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