Saturday, February 06, 2010

National Academy of Sciences in Environmental Film Festival

The Cultural Programs of the National Academy of Sciences (CPNAS)will participate in the Environmental Film Festival for the first time this year. Each March the Festival presents a diverse selection of quality environmental film, including documentaries, features, animations and shorts as well as archival, experimental and children’s films at a wide variety of venues throughout the D.C. area. Selected to provide fresh perspectives on global, national and local environmental issues, most Festival films are enhanced by discussion with filmmakers, scientists and environmental experts and are free to the public. On March 26 and March 27, CPNAS will show "Division Street" and "Last Call for Planet Earth." Visit for show times and details. The complete film schedule will be available on the Festival Web site.

Friday, March 26 and Saturday, March 27
National Academies’ Keck Center
500 Fifth St., N.W., Room 100
Reservations required.
Email or 202-334-2415

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