Monday, February 01, 2010

Nancy Stoner Rejoins EPA In Office of Water

Nancy Stoner, right, is joining EPA's Office of Water as the Deputy Assistant Administrator starting today, February 1st. This is her second tenure with EPA, as she directed the Office of Planning and Policy Analysis in the Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance from 1997 to 1999. Prior to that, she served as project director and attorney for the Clean Water Project for nearly ten years. She was a trial attorney at the U.S. Department of Justice’s Environment & Natural Resources Division before that. Since 1999, she was the co-director and senior attorney for the Natural Resources Defense Council’s Water Program.

Nancy is a national expert with vast experience in using the Clean Water Act to protect rivers, lakes, and coastal waters from contaminated stormwater, sewer overflows, factory farms, and other sources of water pollution. She earned her J.D. from Yale University Law School in 1986 and B.A. in 1982 from the University of Virginia. She is admitted to the bars of the District of Columbia and Maryland.

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