Friday, February 05, 2010

House Hearing On Comcast & NBC/Universal Merger

The Subcommittee on Communications, Technology, and the Internet held a hearing titled, "An Examination of the Proposed Combination of Comcast and NBC Universal," on Thursday, February 4, 2010 (9:30 a.m.). The hearing explored the potential impact on the media marketplace of the proposed joint venture agreement between Comcast and NBC Universal.


Brian L. Roberts, Chairman and CEO, Comcast Corporation [left in photo]
Jeff Zucker, President and CEO, NBC Universal [right in photo]
Colleen Abdoulah, President and CEO, WOW! Internet, Cable, and Phone
Mark Cooper, Ph.D., Director of Research, Consumer Federation of America
Michael J. Fiorile, President and Chief Operating Officer, The Dispatch Printing Company, Chair of the NBC Affiliates Board
Adam D. Thierer, President, Progress and Freedom Foundation

Excerpt Brian Roberts & Jeff Zucker [Joint Statement]:

The new NBCU will advance key policy goals of Congress: diversity, localism, innovation, and competition. With Comcast’s demonstrated commitment to investment and innovation in communications, entertainment, and information, the new NBCU will be able to increase the quantity, quality, diversity, and local focus of its content, and accelerate the arrival of the multiplatform, “anytime, anywhere” future of video programming that Americans want. Given the intensely competitive markets in which Comcast and NBCU operate, as well as existing law and regulations, this essentially vertical transaction will benefit consumers and spur competition, and will not present any potential harm in any marketplace.
Same Day(2:30 p.m.) SENATE HEARING

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