Wednesday, February 17, 2010

EPA Announces New Website to Help State and Local Governments Tackle Climate Change

EPA just launched a new Web site to help state and local governments understand, plan, and implement strategies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions within their jurisdictions. The State and Local Climate and Energy Program Web site, brings together EPA resources to serve as a one-stop shop for government officials seeking information on climate change and clean energy.

The site provides:

Resources on energy efficiency, renewable energy, waste management, workforce development, health, adaptation, and more.

“How to” information for developing a climate change action plan or greenhouse gas inventory along with maps showing which states and localities have them in place.

Guidance on evaluating policy and program options and measuring results.

A calendar of upcoming climate change and clean energy webcasts and conferences.

Podcasts and video recordings of State and Local Climate and Energy Program webcasts.

Featured Resource: Assessing the Multiple Benefits of Clean Energy: A Resource for States

This resource will help state energy, environmental, and economic policy makers identify and quantify the many benefits of clean energy. This groundbreaking document is the first to organize and present a comprehensive review of the multiple benefits of clean energy, together with an analytical framework that states can use to assess those benefits during the development and implementation of clean energy policies and programs.

Access the resource

To be notified of upcoming Webcasts, hear about state and local climate and energy news, and learn of enhancements to the Web site, join the State and Local Climate and Energy Listserv

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