Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The 6th Annual China Nuclear Energy Congress 2010

The 6th Annual China Nuclear Energy Congress 2010, which is going to be held on May 19th – 21st in Beijing China, the most dynamic region in the global nuclear energy industry.

New Trends in China

Nuclear Power Plants In Operation:

Plants, Site, Power Output(MWe), Reactor Type, In-Service Date

Qinshan Phase I, Zhejiang Haiyan, 310, PWR, 1994.4

Daya Bay, Guangdong Shenzhen, 984X2, M310, 1994.5

LingAo, Guangdong Shenzhen, 990X2, M310, 2003.1

Qinshan Phase III, Zhejiang Haiyan, 700X2, CANDU, 2003.7

Qinshan Phase II, Zhejiang Haiyan, 650X2, PWR, 2004.5

Tianwan, Jiangsu Lianyungang, 1060X2, VVER, 2006.8

Until Oct 2009, the number of nuclear power units under construction was 28. The popular view is that the previous target will be doubled by 2020. The 2nd nuclear baby boom is coming led by China with contribution of 5 units every year from 2015.

Nuclear Power Plants Under Construction:

Plants, Site, Power Output(MWe), Reactor Type, Start-up Date

Lingdong, Guangdong Shenzhen, 1080X2, CPR1000, 2005.12

Qinshan Phase II Expansion, Zhejing Haiyan, 650X2, CNP600, 2006.4

Hongyanhe, Liaoning Dalian, 1080X4, CPR1000, 2007.8

Ningde, Fujian Ningde, 1080X4, CPR1000, 2008.2

Fuqing Phase I, Fujian Fuqing, 1080X2, CNP1000, 2008.11

Fangjiashan, Zhejiang Haiyan, 1080X2, CNP1000, 2008.12

Yangjiang, Guangdong Yangjiang, 1080X6, CPR1000, 2008.12

Sanmen, Zhejiang Sanmen, 1250X2, AP1000, 2009.4

Haiyang, Shandong Haiyang, 1250X2, AP1000, 2009.9

Taishan, Guangdong Taishan, 1700X2, EPR, 2009.10

NPPs Will Get Approved:

Plants, Site, Power Output(MWe), Reactor Type, Start-up Date

Changjiang, Hainan Changjiang, 650X2, CNP600, 2010.10

Shidaowan, Shandong Yantai, 200X1, HTR, ----

Fangchenggang, Guangxi Fangchenggang, 1080X2, CPR1000, ----

Taohuajiang, Hunan Yiyang, 125X4, Gen III, 2010.9

Daban, Hubei Xianning, 100X4, Gen III, ----

Pengze, Jiangxi Pengze, 125X4, Gen III, ----

China will focus on Gen II and Gen II+ reactors for the following 5 years, for economical, proved track of record and self-reliance. By 2016, Gen III will dominate. Competition will determine the preference for the AP1000 or the EPR.

(China Decision Makers)

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