Monday, January 04, 2010

Lisa Jackson: New Chair of Chesapeake Executive Council

EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson, left, takes over as chair of the Chesapeake Executive Council tomorrow, which is part of EPA's Chesapeake Bay Program. The Chesapeake Bay Program is a partnership of people and organizations, ranging from federal and state agencies to local governments to non-profits and academic institutions. Individuals involved with the Bay Program work at both CBP's Annapolis, Maryland headquarters and at partner organizations throughout the Bay watershed.

The Chesapeake Executive Council was established by the Chesapeake Bay Agreement of 1983. Under the 1987 Chesapeake Bay Agreement, membership changed from cabinet secretaries to the governors of Maryland, Pennsylvania and Virginia; the administrator of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency; the mayor of the District of Columbia; and the chair of the Chesapeake Bay Commission, a legislative body serving Maryland, Pennsylvania, and Virginia.

The Executive Council:

~ Establishes the policy direction for the restoration and protection of the Bay and its living resources.
~ Exerts leadership to marshall public support for the Bay effort.
~ Signs
directives, agreements and amendments that set goals and guide policy for Bay restoration.
~ Is accountable to the public for progress made under the Bay agreements.
The Executive Council meets annually. Its Principals' Staff Committee meets as needed to facilitate communication among the Implementation Committee, the advisory committees (Citizens Advisory Committee, Local Government Advisory Committee and the Scientific and Technical Advisory Committee) and the Executive Council. (CBP, Photo Courtesy Mike Land)

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