Thursday, December 03, 2009

Obama Administration Forum On Jobs & Economic Growth

The Obama Administration is holding a Forum on Jobs and Economic Growth today at the White House. The forum is an opportunity for the President and the economic team to hear from some of the leading CEOs, small business owners, labor leaders, nonprofit heads and thinkers about ideas for continuing to grow the economy and put Americans back to work.


1:20 pm OPENING SESSION – Remarks by Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis, Video, Remarks by Vice President Joe Biden and Remarks by President Barack Obama

Eisenhower Executive Office Building, South Court Auditorium


The Innovation Agenda and Green Jobs of the Future - Building on the historic energy technology in the Recovery Act, the jobs summit will include a breakout group to discuss new and additional ideas for creating green jobs, including through encouraging energy efficiency and investment in renewable technologies.

Moderator: Secretary of Energy, Steven Chu and Assistant to the President for Energy and Climate Change, Carol Browner
Paving the Road for Small Business Job Growth - Over the course of the last few weeks, the Administration has announced several initiatives to increase access to capital for small businesses in communities across the country. In addition to making government funds available to small banks and supporting an increase in the SBA loans that have provided essential funding, the economic team looks forward to hearing from small business leaders and others about what additional steps would be most effective in encouraging small businesses to taking the next step in hiring.

Moderator: Secretary of Treasury, Timothy Geithner and Small Business Administration Administrator, Karen Mills
Creating Jobs through the Rebuilding of America’s Infrastructure -The Recovery Act has been a successful tool in putting Americans back to work in communities across the country and investment in infrastructure will continue to reap benefits through 2010. The breakout group will focus on the best ways to make infrastructure investment a longer term commitment to helping the economy continue on a path to recovery.

Moderator: Secretary of Transportation, Ray LaHood and Director of the White House Office of Management and Budget, Peter Orszag
Expanding Job Opportunities for American Workers Through Exports - There is no question that the rebuilt American economy needs to be more export driven and less consumption driven in order for the United States to continue to have strong and sustainable job creation and economic growth. The forum will have a breakout group focused on how we can continue to take advantage of the rebound in global trade and how to change the tide from consumption driven to export driven growth.

Moderator: Director of the National Economic Council, Lawrence Summers and President and Chairman of the Export-Import Bank of the United States, Fred Hochberg
Encouraging Business Competitiveness and Job Creation - There are limits to what government can and should do, even during such difficult times and the importance over the long term of the partnership between the public and private sectors. This breakout will be a substantive discussion on ways to encourage businesses to invest and create jobs.

Moderator: Secretary of Commerce, Gary Locke and Chair of the Council of Economic Advisors, Christina Romer
Preparing Workers and Strengthening Main Street - As the economy recovers, we need to take the necessary steps to retrain workers in fields that are no longer growing and better prepare the next generation of the workforce for the jobs and economy of the future. This session will focus on the challenges facing main street as it seeks to prosper, grow and create jobs.

Moderator: Secretary of Labor, Hilda Solis and Director of White House Domestic Policy Council, Melody Barnes
3:45 pm CLOSING SESSION – Remarks by Secretary of Commerce Gary Locke & Remarks and Discussion led by President Barack Obama

Eisenhower Executive Office Building, South Court Auditorium

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