Friday, December 11, 2009

Island Nations Submit Draft Treaty at Copenhagen Conference

The Small Island Developing States Network (SIDSNET), the coalition of 43 small island states, has issued their own plan for a legal post-Kyoto Protocol treaty that includes mandatory emission cuts for both developed and major developing countries and an increased temperature target of 2.7 degrees Fahrenheit.

Established in 1997, the primary goal of SIDSnet is to support the sustainable development of SIDS through enhanced information and communication technology. SIDSNet responds to several critical challenges faced by small islands including (1) remoteness, isolation and geographic dispersion, (2) poor connectivity and data management, particularly through ICT, (3) limited human and technological capacity, and (4) the need for greater international recognition and assistance in reducing SIDS’ economic and environmental vulnerability.

The Alliance of Small Island States (AOSIS) is also promoting a "Declaration On Climate Change 2009." On 21 September 2009, the UN Secretary-General's Climate Summit, AOSIS convened a one day High-Level Summit on Climate Change to review the current status of negotiations on climate change. The declaration expresses that AOSIS members are "alarmed, disturbed and disappointed" at the lack of progress made to date on addressing their concerns. Serious adverse impacts are already being felt by island states at the current 0.8°C of warming, including coastal erosion, flooding, coral bleaching and more frequent and intense extreme weather events.

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