Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Nuclear Power Part of China/USA Climate Change Mitigation

President Barack Obama and China President Hu Jintao reaffirmed the goals of the recently-concluded Third Executive Committee Meeting of the Global Nuclear Energy Partnership (GNEP) to promote the peaceful use of civilian nuclear energy, and “ agreed to consult with one another in order to explore such approaches-including assurance of fuel supply and cradle-to-grave nuclear fuel management so that countries can access peaceful nuclear power while minimizing the risks of proliferation.”
GNEP promotes the peaceful use of nuclear energy in a manner that promotes safety, security and non-proliferation. At an October 2009 meeting of member country countries in Beijing, China , the Executive Committee reconfirmed that the use of nuclear energy is an effective measure against global warming and contributes to greater global energy security. The Executive Committee also recognized that the expansion of the peaceful use of nuclear energy will help lead to the creation of employment and sustainable economic growth.

The Executive Committee explored some Partners’ proposal for renaming the Partnership and noted that the “International Nuclear Energy Framework” (INEF) could be one of the options.

(Emabassy of the U.S., Oct 23, 2009, Grist, Nov 17, 2009)

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