Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Maryland Gov Gets Concessions From Constellation Energy

Maryland Governor Martin O'Malley, left, fought successfully to get concessions from Constellation Energy Group (CEG) in their bid to get approval for a joint venture with Electricite de France (EdF) to build a third nuclear plant at the current Calvert Cliffs site.

The conditions added to the agreement by the Maryland Public Service Commission (PSC) include portions of the concessions sought by the governor and include:

One-time rebates of $100 for household customers (about 6% of a typical BGE family's annual electricity bill).

[The $100 credit adds up to $110 million]

Invest $250 million cash in BGE and agree to future limits on potential subsidies from BGE customers to Constellation's unregulated businesses.

Earlier efforts by Governor O'Malley led to more concessions:

Last year BGE customers got a $170 rebate as part of a previous settlement.

[The $170-per-home rebate came to about $187 million]

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