Monday, October 19, 2009

V.P. Biden, Cabinet Officials Roll Out Retrofit Program

Vice President Joe Biden, left, was joined by several other cabinet officials this morning rolling out a new report that lays out a federal plan for capturing energy savings by retrofitting homes. The Recovery Through Retrofit Report builds on investments made in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 to expand the home energy efficiency and retrofit market. The report lays out a roadmap to achieve these goals.

According to the report, existing techniques and technologies in energy efficiency retrofitting can reduce energy use by up to 40% per home and lower total associated greenhouse gas emissions by up to 160 million metric tons annually by 2020. Retrofitting existing homes also has the potential to cut home energy bills by $21 billion annually.

Recommendations include 1) Providing Homeowners with Straightforward and Reliable Home Energy Retrofit Information, 2) Reducing High Upfront Costs, Making Energy Retrofits More Accessible and 3) Establishing National Workforce Certifications and Training Standards.

Joining the Vice President today were CEQ Chair Nancy Sutley, Energy Secretary Steven Chu, Labor Secretary, Hilda Solis, HUD Secretary, Shaun Donovan, Education Secretary and SBA Administrator Karen Mills. (Frank Maisano)

Full Report and Recommendations

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