Friday, September 18, 2009

Kate Sheppard Leaves Grist To Freelance

Grist magazine has lost a giant in environmental reporting--Kate Sheppard, right. Ms. Sheppard wrote some of the most penetrating articles ever for the mag. She shifted from Grist to freelance writing for awhile, with energy and environmental articles appearing in various newspapers and magizines. Now Kate Sheppard covers energy and environmental issues for "Mother Jones" in their Washington, D.C. bureau.

Here is how Kate describes herself on her Windows Live page:

Kate grew up on a vegetable farm in New Jersey and can verify that there are still a few gardens in the Garden State. When she's not writing, Kate enjoys walking holes in the bottoms of her shoes, dancing, cooking, and traveling. Interests Politics, trees, writing, revolutions, being outside documentaries, community, the color brown, running, maps, autumn, irony, used bookstores, mix CDs, green things, letters, babies, public transportation.

Here's how Kate currently describes herself on her Twitter page: Environmental reporter and blogger, writing at "Mother Jones." Kate's Twitter

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