Thursday, September 17, 2009

Center Opposes Venezuelan Nuclear Plant Under Chavez

Venezuelan dictator-in-waiting Hugo Chavez, left, wants to partner with the Russians to build a nuclear power plant. The Center opposes the dictator's plan because we do not support Hugo Chavez and believe he would utilize the technology for nefarious purposes. Additionally, Chavez is aligned with Iran and they are clearly on a path to building nuclear weapons and using the commercial program as a cover. Fortunately, in addition to the fact that Venezuela lacks the technological expertise to build a nuclear power plant, they also do not have the billions it would take to construct such a facility. But Russia has offered to help bridge these inadequacies.

Venezuela is a signatory of the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty, which would restrict any nuclear program to nonmilitary purposes. Chavez discussed the nuclear issue last week with Russian President Dmitry Medvedev and Prime Minister Vladimir Putin during a visit to Moscow.

In South America, Argentina already has two operating nuclear plants, as does Brazil. Brazil is also planning to invest $3.7 billion to build a third nuclear plant after receiving environmental approval earlier this year. (Wash Post, 9/15/09)

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