Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Nuclear Industry Loses Another Giant: Angie Howard

Angelina 'Angie' S. Howard, left, retired as vice president of the nuclear industry's Washington, DC-based association, the Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI), on May 15, 2009. Prior to joining NEI, Howard was vice president and director of industry relations and information services for the Atlanta-based Institute of Nuclear Power Operations. Before joining INPO in 1980, Howard worked at Duke Power Co. from 1969 to 1980.

Howard was a very good friend to the Center and AAEA. She was always open and helpful to our efforts to achieve a nuclear power renaissance. Clearly the renaissance movement is hurt by her retirement. We could call on Howard anytime and anyplace and she welcomed our participation. We will miss you Angie. Feel free to contact us anytime.

Angie went out of her way to accomodate us when a leading representative of China's nuclear R& D program was in Washington, DC to brief the Department of Energy. At our request, she quickly arranged a meeting at NEI so that Dr Yujie Dong could brief NEI on Tinghua Univesity's nuclear power plant research [see video below].

Dr. Yujie Dong is the Director of the High Temperature Reactor Design Division, Institute of Nuclear and New Energy Technology (INET) at Tsinghua University, Beijing, China. Dr. Dong is leading the team that is developing the Pebble Bed Modular Reactor (PBMR). His team has built a functioning PBMR research reactor about 40 miles northwest of Beijing near the Great Wall. Center President Norris McDonald and Center Vice President Derry Bigby were graciously briefed, entertained and given a tour of the PBMR in 2007.

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