Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Al Franken Comes To Washington


By Norris McDonald

I greeted Al Franken and his wife Franni, right, this morning in the Hart Senate Office Building just before his private reception on the 9th floor. They were very pleasant and spent a moment with me as I congratulated him on his win and wished him a great future in Washington, D.C. Franni is just as enthusiastic in person as she is on television and they both are easily approachable. I told the prospective senator that I was on the way to the climate bill hearing in the Environment and Public Works Committee. Franken's swearing in was scheduled for 12 noon and the committee wanted to finish its business in order to get down there for the ceremony.

It was a big day for the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee. Four members of the Obama administration were appearing before the committee: Stephen Chu--DOE, Ken Salazar--Dept of Interior, Tom Vilsack--Dept of Agri, and Lisa P. Jackson--EPA. [Opening Remarks & webcast] It was a very good hearing and the climate bill was thoroughly examined. I greeted Secretary Chu and EPA Administrator Jackson immediately after the hearing.

Lisa Jackson, Tom Vilsack, Ken Salazari, Stephen Chu

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