Wednesday, June 17, 2009

House Agriculture Chair Says Global Warming Is Good

House Agriculture Committee Chairman Collin Peterson (D-Minn), right, is quoted in The Wall Street Journal (6/17/09) on the global warming issue:
"They're saying to us [that climate change is] going to be a big problem because it's going to be warmer than it usually is; my farmers are going to say that's a good thing since they'll be able to grow more corn."
Congressman Peterson also believes the Waxman/Markey energy/climate bill would penalize farmers in the Midwest who rely on coal-burning electric cooperatives.

This throws a real wrinkle into the House energy/climate legislation, which Speaker Nancy Pelosi hopes to bring to a vote soon. The Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee just passed its version of an energy bill today on a vote of 15-8.

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