Wednesday, June 03, 2009

EPA: McCarthy Confirmed & Cameron Davis Appointed

The Senate confirmed Gina McCarthy as the Assistant Administrator for the Office of Air and Radiation on June 2, 2009. EPA Administrator Lisa P. Jackson has also appointed Cameron Davis as Senior Advisor on the Great Lakes.

Prior to her confirmation, Gina McCarthy, left, served as the Commissioner of the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection. In her 25 year career, she has worked at both the state and local levels on critical environmental issues, helped coordinate policies on economic growth, energy, transportation and the environment, and has extensive experience with the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, the nation’s first market-based, greenhouse cap-and-trade system. In her new post at the Office of Air and Radiation, Ms. McCarthy will be a leading advocate for win-win strategies to confront climate change and strengthen our green economy.

Cameron Davis, right, began working on behalf of the Great Lakes more than 20 years ago as a volunteer for the Alliance for the Great Lakes. Today he heads the Alliance as its President and CEO. Under his leadership, the Alliance won the American Bar Association’s Distinguished Award for Environmental Law & Policy, making it the first citizens’ nonprofit to ever receive such recognition. Prior to leading the Alliance for the Great Lakes, he spent time as an adjunct clinical assistant professor of law at the University of Michigan Law School. He was also part of the United Nations Environment Programme in Nairobi, Kenya, where he assisted efforts on the Montreal protocol, and served in the EPA’s Office of Regional Counsel in Chicago.

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