Thursday, June 25, 2009

EPA Establishes National Advisory Council for Environmental Policy & Technology‏

The EPA recently (June 2009) established the National Advisory Council for Environmental Policy and Technology Subcommittee on Promoting Environmental Stewardship to provide independent advice to the EPA Administrator on environmental stewardship practices in the regulated community and other sectors as appropriate, in order to enhance human health and environmental protection. Subcommittee members include senior leaders and experts who represent academia, industry, nongovernmental organizations and local and state governments.

They are:

Ian Bingham, Administrator, Arizona Environmental Performance Track Program
Suzanne Burnes, Assistant Director, Sustainability Division, Georgia Dept of Natural Resources
Patricia Calkins, Vice President, Environment, Health and Safety, Xerox
Myra Carpenter, Director of Environmental Affairs,
MichelinLaura Fiffick, Senior Environmental Scientist, Gresham, Smith and Partners
Nancy Girard, Executive Director, Multi-State Working Group on Environmental Performance Gary Hunt, Director, North Carolina Dept of Environment & Natural Resources
Isabel M. Long, Environmental Justice and Community Partnerships Program, Sierra Club
Mark McDermid, Bureau Director, Cooperative Environmental Assistance, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
Erik Meyers, Vice President for Sustainable Programs, The Conservation Fund
David Monsma, Executive Director, Energy and Environment Program, The Aspen Institute
Jeff Muffat, Manager, Environmental and Regulatory Affairs, 3M
Jennifer Nash, Director of Policy and Programs, Product Stewardship Institute
Lee Paddock, Assoc Dean for Environmental Law Studies, GW University Law School
David Paylor, Director, VA Department of Environmental Quality
Aseem Prakash, Professor, Department of Political Science, University of Washington
John Rosenthall, President, National Small Town Alliance
Deidre Sanders, Environmental Justice Program Manager, Pacific Gas & Electric Company
Eric Schaeffer, Executive Director, Environmental Integrity Project
David Struhs, Vice President of Environmental Affairs, International Paper
David Vidal, Research Director, Global Corporate Citizenship, The Conference Board
John Walke, Director, Clean Air Project, Natural Resources Defense Council

The National Advisory Council for Environmental Policy and Technology (NACEPT) is chartered under the Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA), which regulates and governs its operations, including public participation and access to documents.

The first meeting of the Subcommittee is scheduled for June 30 – July 1, 2009, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., in Crystal City, Virginia. The meeting location is: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency One Potomac Yard Fourth Floor Conference Center South (S-4370-80) 2777 S. Crystal Drive Arlington, VA 22202

Subcommittee Updates

Agency Contact: Regina D. Langton Designated Federal Officer NACEPT Subcommittee on Promoting Environmental Stewardship U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Office of Policy, Economics and Innovation 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue NW (MC 1807T) Washington D.C. 20460 202.566.2178

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