Thursday, May 07, 2009

EPA FY 2010 Budget: Administrator Jackson Briefing

EPA Administrator Lisa P. Jackson released EPA’s fiscal year 2010 budget blueprint at a briefing today at the agency headquarters in Washington, D.C. She answered questions from the press and from stakeholders. The $10.5 billion budget expands on the investments of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (EPA-ARRA) and allows EPA to provide real solutions to our economic crisis.

Budget Highlights:

Maintaining and Improving Clean Water Infrastructure:

$3.9 billion to maintain and improve outdated water infrastructure and keep wastewater and drinking water clean and safe . The funding will support efforts around the country to build and renovate an estimated 1,000 clean water and 700 drinking water infrastructure projects, support green infrastructure and create thousands of technical and construction jobs.

$475 million multi-agency Great Lakes Initiative to protect and clean up the largest fresh water lakes in the world through restoration efforts, invasive species control, non-point source pollution mitigation and critical habitats protection. The budget also includes funding for crucial efforts to protect, maintain, and restore the Chesapeake Bay and Anacostia River, Puget Sound, San Francisco Bay, Lake Champlain and other large waterbodies.

Addressing Climate Change:

$17 million GHG registry investment will include data reporting and implementation efforts, data management systems, guidance and materials for the regulated community and source measurement technologies.

An additional $2 million for EPA to continue to reduce its own GHG emissions by 3 percent each year.

Managing Resources Efficiently:

$1.3 billion will go to increase the number of hazardous waste sites ready for anticipated use and fund ongoing site cleanups. The budget proposes to restore the Superfund tax known as the “polluter pays” policy, which expired in 1995, to fund future clean-up efforts. Beginning in 2011, the Superfund tax is estimated to generate $1 billion of revenue a year, rising to $2 billion a year by 2019.

$175 million for the Brownfields program, which will provide additional assessment, clean-up, and job-training grants.

$128 million for the Leaking Underground Storage Tank and Underground Storage Tank programs and $18 million for the Oil Spill Response program.

Managing Chemical Risks:

$55 million will go to an enhanced toxics program to screen, assess and reduce chemical risks. Funding will be invested in monitoring air toxics at schools and to provide technical assistance and coordination with states and local communities.

Reinforcing Scientific Integrity:

$842 million for science and technology.

Protecting Communities:

$600 million will go to the EPA’s Enforcement and Compliance Assurance program.

$1.1 billion for categorical grants to states and tribes.

(Source: EPA)

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