Monday, May 18, 2009

Center EDR is Best Carbon Capture Plan: Message To Chu

Although most of the Department of Energy's $2.4 billion in R&D funding for carbon capture and storage projects is useful, but President Obama , Secretary Chu, and Congress should heed our call for the establishment of Energy Defense Reservations (EDR) as the comprehensive answer to carbon dioxide capture and reuse.

The Department is posting Notices of Intent to issue this funding, supporting the following initiatives:

Clean Coal Power Initiative: $800 million will be used to expand DOE’s Clean Coal Power Initiative.

Industrial Carbon Capture and Storage: $1.52 billion for a two-part competitive solicitation for large-scale CCS from industrial sources.
Ramgen Modification ($20 million): industrial-sized scale-up and testing of an existing advanced CO2 compression project

Arizona Public Services Modification ($70.6 million): funding will permit the existing algae-based carbon mitigation project to expand testing with a coal-based gasification system.

Geologic Sequestration Site Characterization: $50 million to characterize a minimum of 10 geologic formations throughout the U.S.

Geologic Sequestration Training and Research: $20 million will be used to educate and train a future generation of geologists, scientists, and engineers.

All of these projects, except the geologic sequestration, complement our proposed EDR Program.

DOE Press Release

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