Thursday, May 07, 2009

31 Universities Get 71 Nuclear Energy R & D Grants

U.S. Energy Secretary Steven Chu has announced the selection of 71 university nuclear energy research and development projects. As part of the Department of Energy's Nuclear Energy University Program, the 71 projects will receive approximately $44 million during a three-year period to advance new nuclear technologies in support of the nation's energy goals.

"As a zero-carbon energy source, nuclear power must be part of our energy mix as we work toward energy independence and meeting the challenge of global warming," Chu said. "The next generation of nuclear power plants … will require the latest advancements in nuclear science and technology. These research and development university awards will ensure the United States continues to lead the world in the nuclear field for years to come."
Selected projects include 31 U.S. universities that will act as lead research institutions for projects in more than 20 states. Other universities, industries, and national laboratories will serve as collaborators and research partners. Contracts for the projects are expected to be awarded by Sept. 30. More information about the 71 awards

(, 5/6/09)

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