Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Clinton Remarks at the Major Economies Climate Forum

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton made four main points during her remarks at the Major Economies Forum on Energy and Climate at the State Deparment on April 27:

"I would like to underscore four main points.

First, the science is unambiguous and the logic that flows from it is inescapable. Climate change is a clear and present danger to our world that demands immediate attention.

Second, the United States is fully engaged and ready to lead and determined to make up for lost time, both at home and abroad. The President and his entire Administration are committed to addressing this issue and we will act.

Third, the economies represented here today have a special responsibility to pull together and work toward a successful outcome of the UN climate negotiations later in the year in Copenhagen, and I’m delighted that Denmark could join us because they are going to host this very important meeting.

And fourth, all of us participating today must cooperate in developing meaningful proposals to move the process forward."
Full Statement & Video

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